ROS5 – Hydra (download only)
Music by Julia Purgina

Download only. (Find download & CD here.)
«To this day, developing pieces with Studio Dan means that I don't write them entirely alone, but that they can be created together through improvisation. The composition is only finished when everyone has contributed to it. That was the case with the first piece that I was allowed to write for Studio Dan (Dog Food) and is also the case with the three pieces that can be heard on this record: 5pm Istanbul, games and Hydra» (Julia Purgina)
games | Julia Purgina | 15:08
2. 5pm Istanbul | Julia Purgina | 13:45
3. Hydra | Julia Purgina | 32:09
Studio Dan
Sophia Goidinger-Koch, Olivia de Prato – violin
Martina Bischof – viola
Maiken Beer – cello
Philipp Kienberger, Manuel Mayr – double bass
Thomas Frey – flute
Theresa Dinkhauser – Clarinet
Clemens Salesny – saxophone
Damaris Richerts – trumpet
Daniel Riegler – trombone
Margit Schoberleitner – percussion
Michael Tiefenbacher – piano
Hubert Bründlmayer – drums
Martin Siewert – guitar, electronics
Xizi Wang