Spa Concert I
7 September 2020 | 18:00
Franz-Novy-Hof, Hauptbühne

18.00 / Spa Concert I
Terry Riley - In C (1964)
main stage
Sophia Goidinger-Koch – Violin
Gunde Jäch-Micko – Violin
Julia Purgina – Viola
Cornelia Burghardt – Violoncello
Thomas Frey – Flutes
Doris Nicoletti – Flutes
Viola Falb – Saxophone, Clarinets
Daniel Riegler – Trombone
Michael Tiefenbacher – Keys
Margit Schoberleitner – Percussion, Drums
Workshop Soundpainting with Ceren Oran
13-16pm / Zagorskigasse 1
Soundpainting involves making music with hand signals.
The internationally renowned dancer, choreographer and soundpainter Ceren Oran offers residents the unique opportunity to try this exciting art form for themselves.
Planets and Moons
all-day / at various places in the Franz-Novy-Hof