Studio Dan

2 very great programs and 30 opportunities


December Newsletter

Dear audience,
dear friends,
although it is the end of the year we are still going strong.

In December (and January) we contribute to the current Xenakis year with premiere perfromances (sic!) while performing our newest theater project almost daily at Dschungel Wien. More about this below, where you can also find the references to our CD portal (aka store).

Peterchens und Annelieses Mondfahrt
After Studio Dan plays...(2011), Planet Globokar (2016) and How is your bird? (2019) we present, this time in collaboration with Dschungel Wien, Annelieses und Peterchens Mondfahrt, a musical theater for young audiences aged 6 and up. As usual, in addition to a strangely imaginative story, the music takes center stage. Directed by Corinne Eckenstein, the team of the Dschungel Wien together with the musicians of the Ensemble Studio Dan create the classical story by Gerdt von Bassewitz.

Thursday, December 8th, 5pm as well as 28 more performances until January 6th, Dschungel Wien.

Corinne Eckenstein – concept, director
Corinne Eckenstein, Sophie Freimüller, Cecilia Kukua – text version
Daniel Riegler – composition
Gerti Rindler-Schantl – stage
Sophie Freimüller – assistent to the director
Felix Werner-Tutschku, Cecilia Kukua – performance

Studio Dan
Maiken Beer – cello, FX, toys, voice
Daniel Riegler – trombone, tenor horn, toys, voice
Michael Tiefenbacher – keys, FX, toys, voice
Raphael Meinhart – perkussion; FX, toys, voice

Studio Session #6 - Xenakis Machine
The computer program FSM (Free Stochastic Music) developed by Iannis Xenakis in 1962 - it is considered the first European composition program - is revived by Studio Dan. Xenakis released the code of the program in his book Formalized Music and explicitly encouraged other composers to use it. As an old Fortran program, however, it can only be deciphered by computer scientists. This role is taken by Christof Ressi, who, as a composer and music computer scientist, has the optimal prerequisites for this project.

In several instrumentations, from trio to small chamber ensemble, new pieces - works of the series Xenakis named with the abbreviation "ST/.." - will be 'calculated', arranged and premiered by Studio Dan, under the direction of conductor Xizi Wang. The authorship of these scores may be the subject of lively debate among the listeners and thinkers present.

Tuesday, December 20th, 8pm, Westbahnstudios, Preysinggasse 5, 1150 Vienna

Studio Dan
Thomas Frey – flute
Clemens Salesny – saxophon
Matthew Gregory Smith – bassoon
Dominik Fuss – trumpet
Daniel Riegler – trombone
Martin Siewert – guitar
Michael Tiefenbacher – piano
Raphael Meinhart – percussion
Sophia Goidinger-Koch – violin
Martina Bischof – viola
Xizi Wang – conductor


records & other stuff
Gems & other presents: