Studio Dan



A musical zodiac

© NICOLAS GALANI .jpeg  © Nicolas Galani

  • With Karlheinz Stockhausen's Tierkreis, Studio Dan is diving into a classic of comprovised music. The entire cycle is performed in a wonderful chamber music version for percussion solo with flute, saxophone, trumpet and double bass. Stockhausen writes about the piece:

  • "I started to occupy myself with the 12 human characters of the 'Zodiac', of which I had only a vague idea until then. When inventing each melody I thought of the nature of children, friends, acquaintances who were born in the respective zodiac sign, and I studied the human types more thoroughly. Each melody is now composed in all its dimensions and proportions in accordance with the characteristics of its zodiac sign, and you will discover many regularities if you listen to a melody often and look closely at its construction. (. . .) Every melody is composed in such a way that it should be played at least three times, and if you play several or all of them in sequence, you should perform each one three or four times in immediate succession."

Line-up: Fl, CL/Sax, Tr, Db, Perc

Karlheinz Stockhausen - Tierkreis