Studio Dan

Braxton et al.


Amuse Gueule

2 December 2024 | 18:15

Das MuTh


2 December 2024 | 19:30

Das MuTh

Studio Dan has dedicated itself—already since 2016—to the widely ramified work of Anthony Braxton in various constellations. He is known to many as a terrific saxophonist and bandleader, but his due attention as a composer is only slowly coming - especially in Europe. In 2021, in one of the many lockdowns, we went into the studio for several days to continue working on his music. This resulted in programs for various instrumentations from trio to chamber orchestra, documented in recordings and video productions. Braxton's pieces are/were often related to 'adjacent music' (Lewis, Lehman...) and/or combined with original compositions by the players.

Studio Dan
Manuel Mayr – E-Bass, KontrabassClemens Salesny – Saxophon
Daniel Riegler – Posaune
Michael Tiefenbacher – Klavier
Raphael Meinhart – Schlagwerk

Samu Gryllus – Text